Energy Action Scotland (EAS) campaigns for an end to fuel poverty in Scotland and is the only national body with this sole remit. Set up as a charity in 1983, EAS seeks to develop and promote effective solutions to the problem of cold, damp and expensive to heat homes.
EAS’s mission statement is to eliminate fuel poverty in Scotland. Its corporate aims are:
- Raising awareness of fuel poverty, particularly as it affects low income households; maintaining fuel poverty as a national issue of high priority; and working towards affordable warmth for all;
- Identifying effective solutions which can transform cold, damp houses into warm, dry homes;
- Researching fuel poverty and related issues in order to provide in-depth understanding of the causes and effects and to promote best practice;
- Securing public and private investment for domestic energy efficiency initiatives.
- Campaigning
EAS’s primary aim is to campaign for an end to fuel poverty in Scotland. It strives to do this in a variety of ways in order to influence both policy and practice. This includes responding to consultations and providing briefings to politicians and government officials at UK, Scottish and local levels.

The Staff Team
Energy Action Scotland has 6 full-time staff. An outline of their roles and their contact details are given below. EAS has a Board of Directors who oversee the governance of the charity. Current Board members are listed here.
Work with us
You’ll find current vacancies here, and we are always interested in receiving interest in working with us, including volunteering opportunities, from like-minded people who want to make a difference. For all vacancies, send your CV and covering letter to [email protected]
Consultation Responses
We respond to consultations from government departments and other organisations that will impact on fuel poverty policy. 2025 Response: Heat Networks, Implementing Consumer Protections Heat Networks Regulation: Implementing Consumer Protection 2024 Energy Price cap additional debt costs review consultation Response to the Scottish Government’s Heat in Buildings Bill consultation Energy Action Scotland Response Standing Charges […]
EAS develops and delivers projects linked to domestic energy and the alleviation of fuel poverty. Often this is done with support from the private sector.
Policy Position Statements
These policy position statements show EAS’s position on various matters relating to fuel poverty such as rural fuel poverty, national pricing, renewable energy, fuel poverty and health and more. Fuel Poverty Fuel poverty should not exist. Energy Action Scotland believes that a warm, dry home which is affordable to heat should be a fundamental right […]
News Releases
Keep up-to-date with the latest press releases and media comment from Energy Action Scotland.