Policy Position Statements

These policy position statements show EAS’s position on various matters relating to fuel poverty such as rural fuel poverty, national pricing, renewable energy, fuel poverty and health and more.

Fuel Poverty

Fuel poverty should not exist. Energy Action Scotland believes that a warm, dry home which is affordable to heat should be a fundamental right for everyone, as referenced in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25. In this day and age, in a wealthy country, it’s not right that people should have to decide between heating their home or feeding themselves and their family.

Read our Policy Position Statement – Fuel Poverty

Fuel Poverty and Health

The World Health Organisation estimates that 30% of excess winter deaths are caused by cold housing. In Scotland this means that six people die every day of winter from causes directly attributable to fuel poverty.

Read our Policy Position Statement – Fuel Poverty and Health

Energy Market

Energy Action Scotland believes that it is fundamental to have a transparent energy market that consumers understand. This requires better information, simplification and the ability to easily compare and contrast different tariffs from different suppliers.

Read our Policy Position Statement – Energy Market

Energy Efficiency Programmes and Funding

Energy Action Scotland maintains that there needs to be a publicly funded programme for those who cannot afford to pay for energy efficiency measures and energy advice. We believe that a free, accessible, single point of access service that is designed to fit the needs of these households should direct consumers to the right scheme, including those delivered by the energy industry, according to their needs and their ability to pay.

Read our Policy Position Statement – Energy Efficiency Programmes and Funding

Rural Fuel Poverty

Energy Action Scotland acknowledges the particular difficulties faced by fuel poor households in remote and rural areas. These include:

    • Higher fuel costs
    • Lack of access to the mains gas grid
    • Premiums on energy costs
    • Challenging housing stock
    • Difficulty getting companies delivering energy efficiency measures to operate in some areas

Read our Policy Position Statement – Rural Fuel Poverty